Ana Rodriguez

Ana Rodriguez : Georgetown University

During my high school years, I lead as President of the National Honor Society and Journalism Club, as well as Vice President of the CSF and the MESA program. I also wrote for the Grizzly Gazette as Wire Editor, and secured a final draft as the Copy Editor. I’ve worked endless hours to prepare performances as a three-year member of the Varsity Dance Team. This past summer, I was a Page for the U.S. House of Representatives. These diverse interests are what make me who I am today. It would’ve been impossible for me to achieve these goals without my mother, Anali Estrada. Gracias, mami por todo tu apoyo y los sacrificios que haces por el bien de tus hijos. Te quiero con todo el corazón hoy, ayer, y mañana, es decir—siempre. I give thanks to teachers, counselors, especially Mr. Oxx. I thank Dr. Nicholas for the centers, Rosa, Janae, Rocio Juan, Susana, the wonderfully gifted tutors, and Judge Jack Mandel. If there weren’t a word limit, I’d explain why. The next four years shall be full of surprises, sweet and sour. Despite the challenges I’ll persevere because, like Eric Kasum said, “My dreams are bigger than my fears.”