Test 2










The NAC understands that high school students face many challenges outside the classroom that affect their academic performance and their ability to successfully enroll and graduate college. NAC assists students in overcoming the obstacles they face through a series of services provided by our Director of Social Services, a trained social worker.

Our Director of Mentoring and Social Services works to create a safe space for students to speak confidentially about concerns they have. Students have the option of receiving one-on-one counseling, family therapy, or group counseling support as the service is needed.

Through an annual career speaker series, coordinated community service activities, and daily living skills workshops, the NAC prepares students to handle life experiences that await them in college. Once students enroll in college, they continue to receive emotional and psychological support through phone counseling.

Additionally, the NAC recognizes that students’ success in college depends largely on the support they receive from those closest to them, their parents and family members. Hence, the Director of Mentoring and Social Services leads regular Parent Platicas (meetings) to facilitate family discussions about important topics, such as leaving home for college.

NAC knows that succeeding in education requires focusing on more than simply academics, and the Director of Social Services works to address students’ needs holistically.