Chapman Visiting Scholars Series
The Nicholas Academic Centers’ Chapman Lecture series is part of the center’s yearly programs that target and prepare SAUSD students for college. Started in the fall of 2010, the partnership between Chapman University and NAC has produced 20 lectures so far on a variety of topics.
The presentations have covered subjects from Disney and Darwin, to the science of food, to experiments in economics. Chapman University professors have included the Chancellor of Chapman University, the program director of the food science department, and a Nobel laureate.
NAC students and the community learn about topics beyond the scope of daily life through these lectures. The professors from Chapman University create the environment of a college classroom, which prepares students for their future education.
The Nicholas Academic Centers and Chapman University hold lectures on the first Saturday of the month through the school year. Dates and lecture titles are publicized a month before, and the event is always free and open to the public.